Text Search
A simple text search will return records that contain all the words that are entered. It will also return pluralized versions of the words.
This search will include records that contain the words shrimp or shrimps.
This search will include records that contain the word frozen near the word shrimp or shrimps. This search will return less records then the search Frozen and Shrimp, because the words have to be a couple of words near each other to be considered a match. This search will return more records than the search "Frozen Shrimp", because it will include pluralized version of the words, and allow for other words to be present.
Wildcard *
This search will include records that have the words like canned, canvas, cantaloupe.
Quotes "
Use quotes to include records that exactly match the text in quotes.
This search will include records that have the phrase Frozen Shrimp in it. It will not return records like Frozen Coconut Shrimp.
Boolean Operators
Use the word OR to require either word to be present in a field.
This search will include records that have either the word shrimp or the word prawn in the container contents. If the container contents has both the words, shrimp and prawn; it is also included in the results.
Use the word AND to require both words to be present in a field.
This search will include records that have both words frozen and shrimp in the container contents. If the container contents only has one of the words it will not be included in the results.
Use the word NOT to exclude records that a word is present in that field.
This search will include records that have the word shrimp in the container contents but does not have the word prawn. The phrase AND NOT can be shortened to NOT, they are treated the same.
Parentheses can be used to define the order of operations for complex searches.
This search will include records that have the word shrimp but not frozen, it will also include records that have the words lobster and prawn.
In this search example a single record that has the following text will be included [Frozen Shrimp, Lobster, Prawn]. This is because the second OR condition has been meet.
Keywords Field
[Keywords] field is a special field that will search multiple fields in the BOL.
These fields are:
- BOL Number
- Commodity
- Place Of Receipt
- Shipper Names
- Shipper Address
- Consignee Names
- Consignee Address
- Notify Names
- Notify Address
- Marks And Numbers
If any field matches the search criteria it will be included in the results. Any boolean operations are evaluated on a per field basis.
Include / Exclude Operator
Some lookup fields have an Include/Exclude Operator available. The default operation [=] is to require the field value(s) to be present for the record to be included. You can click the operation icon and change it to [≠] to exclude records that match this value.
This search will include records that the shipper country is from China.
This search will exclude records that the shipper country is from China.